Advanced Power Concepts
PO Box 49116, Atlanta GA 30359,
Phone : (404) 285-6034



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Latest program version : WinIGS 8.0g - October 10, 2024

Major New Features in Present Version

NOTE: If you are using a computer with Intel processor(s) It is highly recommended to update to Version 8.0g, which has a number of UI and model enhancements. If you are using a computer with an AMD processor it is best to keep using version 7.9a until the AMD optimized version (currently under development) is available.

Grounding Analysis Speedup.  The grounding analysis computational speed has been further enhanced with version 8 using Intel’s OneMKL mathematical libraries.  These libraries are highly optimized for Intel microprocessors providing additional speedup over the version 7.9 parallel processing performance.  The additional speedup depends on the microprocessor core and cache characteristics.  A speedup in the order to 5-10 times has been observed on an intel Xeon 24 core processor. 


Grounding model C has been enhanced.  Model C now takes into account self-inductance of ground conductors, as well as self-capacitance of insulated or above ground conductors.  The low frequency analysis results are close to model D results, while computational time is significantly faster than model D. (comparable to model B compute times).  It is therefore recommended to use model C for most new cases.


Touch Voltage Reference.  Above ground electrical conductors are now taken into account in determining the nearest conductor voltage used as a reference for touch voltage evaluation.  Touch potential plots created using grounding models B, C and D with touch voltage reference set to “Nearest Ground Point” take advantage of this feature.


Transformer Model with Sequence Parameters.  This 3-phase transformer model can now represent both autotransformers (with or without hidden tertiary), as well as two winding transformers with any combination delta and wye winding connections.  The transformer impedances are specified in terms of positive, negative and zero sequence parameters.  For autotransformers and Y-Y connected two-winding transformers the zero sequence parameters are based on a T-Equivalent circuit.


Overhead Electrical Conductors now provide the sagging insulator options, just like the civil conductor version. Furthermore, the inductance and capacitance of overhead electrical conductors (both self and mutual) is now included in model D.


Ground Solution Data are now stored in separate binary files. This makes case data files more compact and speeds-up opening ground model files in edit mode.

CDEGS Software File Import/Export.  The Safe Engineering Services CDEGS program input files for the RESAP, MALT and MALZ modules can be imported into WinIGS.  Furthermore, the WinIGS grounding model, as well as Wenner and Schlumberger soil resistivity measurement data can be exported into the corresponding CDEGS program input files. 


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