Advanced Power Concepts
PO Box 49116, Atlanta GA 30359,
Phone / FAX : (404) 325-5411



What's New








New Features in WinXFM Version 2.26, Oct 18, 2023

- Numerous User Interface Improvements

- Supports IEEE C37.111 versions 1991, 1999, and 2013

- Enhanced Digital Channel Hanling

- Updated Merging Unit communications interface to allow multiple ASDUs with same MAC-Address

- Added several protective relay visualization tools (see Tools menu)

- Added waveform labelling tool (Edit Menu - Insert Annotation Command)

- Updated Settingless Protection Relay Feature

- Improved Phasor Display Tool

- Waveforms can be interactively time shifted (using the mouse)

- Added tool to convert time domain data to phasor data

- Merging unit data concemtrator can now store streaming data to disk.